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wework: About


Over the last 14 years, WeWork has grown to provide workspaces in more than 700 locations globally. Wework prides itself on offering flexible work solutions, but they've been ignoring a significant demographic of workers.

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Artists' creative hobbies have been on the rise post-pandemic quarantine. As new artists join the scene, these exploratory and often messy workers lack space to experiment with their creativity. The biggest challenge for these creators is finding room to work how they desire.

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The pandemic also democratized artistic and creative side hustles, and artistic careers expanded. According to the US bureau of labor, the amount of workers in the arts is going to continue to rise by 6% by 2031. 

COVID truly forced the art world to move past typically exclusive, traditional structures and adapt to a digital-first community. By moving to online exhibitions and virtual programming, the promotion of artistic works were no longer restricted by geography, cost, or time. 

Thus, a greater number of artists are given an audience, but finding places to create their art is key. 

Many artists don't have separate spaces to work, and developing specific and distinct boundaries that separate our work from our lives is essential. Without those boundaries, individuals are more likely to burn out. So, with separate spaces to both create and live, artists can enhance their abilities to focus, ultimately train their brains to engage with habitually thinking, such as "When I'm in this space, I must focus on being creative. And when I’m here in my bedroom, I can relax.”

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big idea

This increase in artists and need for creative work spaces is why WeWork is launching WeCreate: rentable creative spaces to fill this growing need in the art community. 

Wecreate will initially launch in New York, San Francisco, LA, Miami, Atlanta and Chicago.

All are currently high-traffic WeWork cities with increasing numbers of creatives. 

Wecreate offers creative spaces for every artist : from the intense designer to the occasional creative

to the solo craftsman or even collaborative teams.

Similar to the original format of WeWork, WeCreate will provide all necessary amenities

to help creative ideas flourish. 

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The subscription models for Wecreate will also mirror the traditional wework format.

Wecreate on demand is pay-as-you-go, offering access to individual spaces by the hour

Wecreate All Access a monthly membership to studios and co-working areas in all WeCreate locations. 

Wecreatework All Access a monthly membership to all WeCreate locations and wework's 500+ sites worldwide.

All memberships offer 24/7 access to WeCreate (subject to availability) to individuals and teams and allow guests with a meeting room booking.

In addition, we'll be launching @wecreate on social media to partner with the artists creating in our spaces. Wework will strongly promote their art through social media and receive commission on purchases of artists' work. Incentivising artists to join the wecreate community and additional profit for wecreate. Capitalizing on the art world's transition to online viewing. 

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Since we are targeting current and potential creatives, the campaign will be split into three parts. The first introducing wecreate to contemporary creatives through a soft launch starting in June. After the initial launch, we will begin to grow our social media presence leading into our hard launch for the general public starting in august.

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We've chosen artists in each city, ranging in medium, to join our soft launch. So, in addition to influencers posting about wecreate on their channels, we'll promote studio sessions with these artists on our channels.

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This studio session will be networking and collaborative events for all creatives. Essentially, we are introducing them to the wecreate studios and allowing them to work alongside other artists in their community. 

After introducing creatives to our space, we'll reinforce our message through social media, utilizing our artist influencers to post content of them creating in our studios and inviting others to join the community.

As previously mentioned, we will partner with artists to post content created in our studios on our channels for sales and exposure. 

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In August, we will launch to the general public. We plan to get their attention by creating popup spaces

in various locations, like the subway or public parks, in wework cities 

The message : artists aren’t meant to create inside a box 

Instead they should create at wecreate 

People can scan the QR code to learn more or use our hashtags to join the conversation.

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overview and goals

This campaign aims to introduce creatives and the world to wecreate in the hopes that we can continue to support the growth of artistic expression. We will measure success by our community's growth: membership numbers, social engagement, and art sales. 

We're here to show the world we don't just work wecreate.

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